About Us

Luxe Girl Wigs was established in 2023 to provide the same luxury quality hair extensions celebrities and influencers receive to consumers. That is why the owner decided to provide raw (unprocessed) hair with fuller ends. The owner noticed that consumers expressed issues of not receiving the same quality of hair as they saw marketed to them through celebrities and influencers. The owner also had the same experience when she purchased from a company who was advertised by one of her favorite influencers. This was one of the main motivations behind the brand.

The owner decided to start a hair extension business because she wants to help women have access to hair that will last for years, with proper maintenance. She also understood the importance of having quality hair to install when natural women were looking to take a break from their natural hair or as a protective style. The owner has been wearing wigs since 2015 when she first started transitioning to going natural. Also, hair is one of the most important beauty products for women, so it is important to have silky, full and long lasting hair.

The name "Luxe Girl" represents an "it girl" meeting luxury. Quality defines luxury and our brand is the epitome of luxury, from the hair to the packaging. Orders come with a gold satin bag and custom hair box. A luxury experience is also provided through customer service. Luxe Girl Wigs is dedicated to providing superior customer service at all times. Feel free to reach out with questions, concerns or business relations to info@luxegirlwigs.com or on Instagram @luxegirlwigs.